22C3 Fahrplan version 1.5

2005-12-27 · 2005-12-28 · 2005-12-29 · 2005-12-30 · official schedule

Tuesday, 2005-12-27

Saal 1

Saal 2

Saal 3

Saal 4


Private Investigations - Opening Show and Keynote Speech

By Tim Pritlove, Joi Ito

URL: 390.html


Die BioP-II-Studie des BSI - Biometrische Feldtests in Europa

By starbug, Constanze Kurz

Die BioP-II-Studie sollte eigentlich als Entscheidungshilfe für den Gesetzgeber die Einsatztauglichkeit der biometrischen Merkmale von Finger, Gesicht und Iris in Reisedokumenten testen. Leider wurde ihr Erscheinen um mehrere Monate verzögert und die entsprechenden Gesetze in der Zwischenzeit verabschiedet. Resigniert stellen die Macher der Studie fest, daß sie von der politischen Entscheidung überholt und vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt wurden. Man hätte lieber auf die Ergebisse warten sollen.

URL: 1094.html

Hacking health - Electronic Patient Records in The Netherlands

By Karin Spaink

I have been researching the implementation of electronic patient records (EPR) in NL. The first part of EPRs - a national database of medication that each patient is described - will become mandatory in early 2006.

URL: 489.html

Understanding buffer overflow exploitation - The fascinating interplay of CPU, stack, C-compiler and shellcode in a nutshell

By Christiane Ruetten

Everything started with Aleph One's paper "Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit". These techniques are still the basis for modern exploitation of buffer, heap and format string vulnerabilities. We will give a swift overview about C functions, stack usage, assembler, gcc, gdb and how these few tools can be used to understand and write shell-code to turn simple buffer overflows into backdoors that open whole systems to potential attackers. Sure you want to know how to defend against that. We also will tell you about that!

URL: 571.html

Cybercrime Convention - Hacking on its way to become a criminal act?

By Marco Gercke

Within the topic of international regulation attempts in the field of Cybercrime (CoE Convention on Cybercrime & EU Council Framework Decision on Attacks against Information Systems) a number of Member States is planning to implement "hacking"-provisions in their national criminal law. This development could lead to a criminal sanctions not only for hacking acts committed with criminal intent but also for testing network security.

URL: 405.html


Elektronische Gesundheitskarte und Gesundheitstelematik - 1984 reloaded? - Eine unendliche Geschichte - Kapitel: Die Sümpfe der Traurigkeit

By ThoMaus

Wenige Tage noch, dann bricht die schöne, neue Welt der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte an.Alles wird besser -- bloß für wen? Damit will sich dieser Vortrag befassen, und insbesondere mit den Konsequenzen für diejenigen, für die es nicht besser wird.

URL: 546.html

Hopalong Casualty - On automated video analysis of human behaviour

By Ingo Lütkebohle

Automated analysis of surveillance videos has seen a lot of research in recent years. Face recognition and person tracking are widely available, more sophisticated behaviour analysis is coming. The aim of the current talk is an overview into the methods used for analysis, their current performance and limitations.

URL: 531.html

Finding and Preventing Buffer Overflows - An overview of static and dynamic approaches

By Martin Johns

A talk that will present academic tools, which are designed to find or disarm security problems in C code

URL: 556.html

W3C on Mobile, CSS, Multimodal and more - A look at the upcoming standards by W3C

By Bert Bos

W3C is developing several new Web technologies and modules for existing technologies, many of which have to do with the requirements of new, mobile devices. This talk will look at a few of them.

URL: 933.html


Hacking CCTV - Watching the watchers, having fun with cctv cameras, making yourself invisible

By Martin Slunksy, Adrian Dabrowski

CCTV möchte für mehr öffentliche Sicherheit sorgen, bringt aber viel mehr Unsicherheit - sehen wir, was Überwacher sehen, in dem wir uns kurz mit Funkfrequenzen und mit Empfaengern - bzw was sich noch alles dafuer verwenden laesst - befassen. Welche sowieso schon erhältlichen Antennen (zB Wlan) eignen sich dafür? Welche Kameratypen gibt es, und was sind ihre Schwächen?

URL: 605.html

The grey commons - Strategic considerations in the copyfight.

By Rasmus Fleischer, Palle Torsson

Piratbyran.org in Sweden has since 2003

URL: 1101.html

Message generation at the info layer - Basic introduction in coding on unvirtual realities.

By Ulrich Langer

What have talking to your lover and information warfare in common? After building a simple model on human communication and some introductions we begin to play with message construction learning about how to program the matrix.

URL: 1102.html


Hacking Data Retention - How bureaucrats fail to fight terror

By Brenno de Winter

Data retention is presented as a solution for fighting child pornography and terror, but in reality the measures will fail. Circumventing is easy and mistakes are waiting to happen. This presentation shows the hard evidence to hack data rentention.

URL: 466.html

Videoüberwachung an deutschen Hochschulen - oder: "Über meine Maßnahmen gebe ich keine Auskunft"

By Axel Rüweler

Nach den BigBrotherAwards 2004, bei denen die Universität Paderborn einen Preis für ihre Videoüberwachung abgeräumt hat, liefen einige tolle Aktionen an der Universität. Davon motiviert hat der FoeBuD e.V. zusammen mit dem fzs (freier zusammenschluss studentInnenschaften) ein Projekt ins Leben gerufen, bei dem untersucht werden sollte, wie weit Videoüberwachung an deutschen Hochschulen verbreitet ist.

URL: 511.html

Peer-to-peer under the hood - An in-depth look at p2p algorithmics

By David Göthberg

About p2p-algorithms for fully distributed, totally serverless, fully scalable peer-to-peer systems. Not about specific p2p-softwares. This will only be a very brief overview of p2p-algorithms.

URL: 461.html

Lightning Talks Day 1 - Nine five minutes talks by various speakers

By mc.fly

There are also loads of reasons for attending the lightning talks (there is a 1-hour block of those each day at 22C3, with 10 talks in a row). It’s entertaining. You get to learn about a lot of different subjects in a short time. And even if one particular speaker is boring: hey, it will be over in just 5 minutes and a new topic will begin.

URL: 911.html


Die Technik im neuen ePass

By starbug

Der Vortrag wird sich mit der Technik des neuen ePasses beschäftigen.

URL: 550.html

Der Hammer: x86-64 und das um-schiffen des NX Bits

By Sebastian Krahmer

Die X86-64 Architektur bietet neben den bisher bei x86 verfügbaren Page-protection-bits ein neues Bit, welches es erlaubt Seiten als nicht ausführbar zu markieren. Dies soll dazu dienen die weithin bekannten Buffer-overflow-exploits zu verhindern oder zu erschweren. Wie sich das trotzdem anstellen lässt zeigt dieser Vortrag.

URL: 802.html

Media System Deployment using Python

By Ulrich von Zadow

Using Python, a large variety of media-oriented systems can be scripted with very little effort. The talk will explore the available libraries for 2d and 3d graphics, video and sound and describe real-world experiences in deploying these systems.

URL: 508.html

Bad TRIPs - What the WTO Treaty did in Hongkong and what that means for us

By Oliver Moldenhauer, Julian 'hds' Finn

The TRIPS Treaty is one of the most discussed within the WTO. Its impact on knowledge and so-called intellectual property rights is huge, not only for developing countries. This talk will give the listener a short introduction on the main principles of TRIPS, who stands behind it and what chances a different treaty could bring. As the WTO meeting in Hong Kong is just two weeks in advance of the 22c3, there will be much news on the progress of the treaty. With Oliver Moldenhauer being an NGO representative at the WTO conference we'll have first-hand experience on the debates amongst NGOs and press in Hong Kong.

URL: 781.html


CCC Jahresrückblick - Ein Überblick über die Aktivitäten des Clubs 2005

By Andy Müller-Maguhn, starbug, Lars Weiler

Die Sprecher des CCC stellen die Aktivitäten des und Geschehnisse im Chaos Computer Club im abgelaufenen Jahr vor. Hierunter fallen Berichte und Anekdoten von Veranstaltungen innerhalb des CCC als auch Vorträge und Konferenzen, an denen CCC-Vertreter teilgenommen haben.

URL: 483.html

Syscall proxying fun and applications - Introduction to syscall proxying and applications for in the wild exploitations

By csk

This talk is about how using syscall proxying technique for envolved attacks or other distributed applications. It includes source code examples like shellcodes, tools and a poc rootkit using this technique. This talk will be submited first at 0sec, a private security event we organize in switzerland in october.

URL: 553.html

Writing better code (in Dylan) - Fast development of object-oriented functional programs

By Hannes Mehnert, Andreas Bogk

An overview of the highly dynamic, object-oriented, functional programming language Dylan will be given. As an example a web-based network management tool will be demonstrated.

URL: 800.html

Data Retention - what comes next?

By Marco Gercke

Chances and Risks of Data Retention Legislation are currently discussed in an intensive way without talking a closer look what could be the next legislative steps to increase the investigation authorities possibilities. It is well known, that offenders as well as normal users acting in networks can easily circumvents the "risks" caused by the complete storage of traffic data by using public access points and encryption technology.

URL: 504.html


We lost the war - Welcome to the world of tomorrow

By Rop Gonggrijp, Frank Rieger

Come to terms with the imminent loss of privacy and civil rights without going lethargic. We will analyse current events, how we think they will affect the issues we care about and how we can be most effective given the new circumstances. Or possibly how to simply survive the times ahead.

URL: 920.html

Developing Intelligent Search Engines

By Isabel Drost

The presentation will give a short overview of the architecture of search engines and how machine learning can help improving search engines. In addition some projects you can take part in will be briefly introduced.

URL: 415.html

RFID - overview of protocols, librfid implementation and passive sniffing - ISO14443, ISO15693, their GPL librfid implementation and passive sniffing hardware

By Milosch Meriac, Harald Welte

The presentation will cover an introduction into the two popular RFID Standards, ISO14443 and ISO15693, as well as the author's Free Software implementation "librfid"

URL: 769.html

Recent Developments in EU Data Retention proposals - Commission vs. Council - the lesser of two evils?

By Klaus Landefeld

Presentation and Discussion of the EU proposals for mandatory data retention, proposed individualy by the EU council and the EU comission.

URL: 568.html


On working memory and mental imagery - How does the brain learn to think?

By Victor Eliashberg

A representation of an untrained human brain, call it B(0), is encoded in the human genome -- its size can hardly exceed a few megabytes. In contrast, a representation of a trained brain, B(t), after big enough time t (say t=20years) must be very long (terabytes?) – it must include a representation of the brain's individual experience. How can a "simple" B(0) change into an extremely complex B(t) in the course of learning?

URL: 464.html

Applied Machine Learning - Brief Introduction into Machine Learning followed by application examples.

By Konrad Rieck, Sören Sonnenburg, Timon Schroeter

Overview of the current state of research in Machine Learning including the general motivation, setup of learning problems, state-of-the-art learning algorithms and applications like our brain computer interface.

URL: 544.html

Exploring Protocols and Services on Internet Connected Embedded Devices - Looking for Insecurities

By Sarbjit Sembhi

Embedded devices are set to take centre stage in the coming internet connected revolution where anything and everything will be connected to the internet. But are the Devices, Operating Systems, Protocols and Services mature enough for what the future holds for them? This session looks at the requirements of an internet connected embedded device and the necessary protocols and services required and available, then, it goes into some implications of the currently known vulnerabilities.

URL: 602.html

A guided tour to European IT lobbying - An investigation into intransparency

By André Rebentisch

Information overflow is a general problem of today's open information infrastructures. Everything can be found on the web but unfortunately not by everyone. Getting informed about the European Union and its projects is a task which you cannot leave to the Commission's public relations department. You should better start your own investigation.

URL: 591.html


VoIPhreaking - How to make free phone calls and influence people

By Hendrik Scholz

The recent explosion in internet telephony has led to the exposure of the (previously) closed Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN) to the wilds of the internet. Voice over IP (VoIP) technology, particularly when coupled with the PSTN, presents new and interesting security challenges, many of which are completely ignored until after deployment. These security issues, such as new avenues for fraud, present serious risks to tradition telephony companies.

URL: 565.html

Covert channels in TCP/IP: attack and defence - The creation and detection of TCP/IP steganography for covert channels and device fingerprinting

By Steven J. Murdoch

This talk will show how idiosyncrasies in TCP/IP implementations can be used to reveal the use of several steganography schemes, and how they can be fixed. The analysis can even be extended to remotely identify the physical machine being used.

URL: 798.html

Rückschau auf die BigBrotherAwards 2005 - Datenkraken beim Kragen packen

By Thomas Bader, Rena Tangens, padeluun

"The winner is ..." zumindest "unhappy". Wer einen BigBrotherAward erhält, hat es damit schriftlich bekommen, dass sein Verhalten "evil" ist. In vielen Ländern werden BigBrotherAwards, Datenschutznegativpreise für "Datenkraken", vergeben. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus Schweiz und Deutschland präsentieren die Ergebnisse, Hintergründe und Erfolge des Jahres 2005. Im Schnelldurchgang und mit Filmbeiträgen werden Preisträger, Trends und Tendenzen präsentiert.

URL: 791.html

Magnetic Stripe Technology

By Joseph Battaglia

Find out how magnetic stripe technology works, how it can be hacked, how to build a card reader with parts you can find in your 'junk drawer', and how this reader design can be used to reverse engineer proprietary formats.

URL: 765.html


Hacking into TomTom Go - Reverse-Engineering des Embedded-Linux-Navigationssystems "TomTom Go"

By Thomas Kleffel, Christian Daniel

TomTom hat mit dem Go ein schickes und flexibles Embedded-Linux-System auf den Markt gebracht, das nur danach schreit, auch für andere Zwecke verwendet zu werden. Leider sind System-Images signiert - und hier soll gezeigt werden, wie diese Signatur geknackt wurde.

URL: 603.html

Hacking OpenWRT

By Felix Fietkau

OpenWrt is a Linux distribution for embedded Wireless LAN routers. In this lecture I'm going to introduce OpenWrt and show you how you can use and customize it for your own projects.

URL: 1099.html

Digitale Bürgerrechte unter europäischem Beschuss

By Markus Beckedahl, Oliver Passek

Die digitale Wissensgesellschaft wird in wesentlichen Punkten von der Europäischen Union bestimmt und häufig haben Richtlinien und andere Maßnahmen der EU direkte Auswirkungen auf unsere digitalen Bürgerrechte.

URL: 888.html

Erste Hilfe für Nerds und Geeks - Wie überlebe ich (ohne nennenswerten Schäden) einen Congress?

By SaniFox aka Sven Vößing

Wie überlebe ich einen vier Tage langen Chaos Communication Congress ohne nennenswerte Schäden davonzutragen? Dieser Vortrag ist speziell für Nerds und Geeks geeignet.

URL: 558.html


Wednesday, 2005-12-28

Saal 1

Saal 2

Saal 3

Saal 4


Biometrics in Science Fiction

By Constanze Kurz, Roland Kubica

Gezeigt und kommentiert werden Ausschnitte und Szenen biometrischer Techniken aus Film und Fernsehen.

URL: 882.html


Software Patenting - Adequate means of protection for software.

By Tonnere Lombard, André Rebentisch

Patent attorneys and a few large corporations advocate patent law as an appropriate protection tool for software development. Most economists, software professionals and SMEs disagree. They believe patent law does not serve market needs. This year the European Parliament rejected a 'Directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions'. However, as the European Patent Offices continues to grant them problems remain. Our expert panel with discuss further developments.

URL: 593.html

Collateral Damage - Consequences of Spam and Virus Filtering for the E-Mail System

By Peter Eisentraut

This lecture takes a critical look at the impact that contemporary spam and virus filter techniques have on the stability, performance, and usability of the e-mail system.

URL: 505.html

VoIP 2005 - Regulierte Revolution - Ansätze für die Regulierung von VoIP und NGN im vergangenen Jahr

By Jörg Müller-Kindt

Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten der amerikanischen undeuropäischen Regulierungsbehörden - insbesondere der Bundesnetzagentur (vormals RegTP) im Bereich Voice over IP (VoIP) und Next Generation Networks (NGN).

URL: 577.html

A way to fuzzy democracy - How modern communication can be used to transform the way we think about democracy and make our political decisions.

By Svenja Schröder, Christiane Ruetten

As we can see by the German voting results in 2005, there is a huge disenchantment with politics in modern democracies. The voting people feel powerless in a governance where the power should originally belong to the people. "Democracy" only tends to be the best compromise among other types of government, but it could be different.Those modern means of communication most of us already use on a daily basis, like internet forums, webs of trust and possibly e-voting systems, can be used as a basis for political discussion and decision making as long as we are aware of their benefits as well as theirlimitations. This talk puts our traditional believes about democracy into question by closely looking at its roots in history. A careful deconstruction of that monolithic term will instantly lead to a very different perspective on the ideals behind it. It then becomes very easy to see how much closer modern technology might take us to the originalidea of democracy.To sum it up: There are much better strategies of mobilizing and informing people than consuming TV ads and then voting the lesser evil every 4 years.

URL: 572.html



By Jörg Tauss

In diesem Vortrag geht es um das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz des Bundes, dass am ab 1.1.2006 in Kraft tritt.

URL: 1084.html

3G Investigations - Scanning your GPRS/UMTS IP network for fun and profit

By Daniel 'btk' Kirstenpfad, Achim 'ahzf' Friedland

We are giving an overview of ip networks used for >=2.5G technologies. Our main focus is on scanning the overlaying ip network, on different Voice-over-IP filter implementations and the possibilities to circumvent them.

URL: 567.html

Seaside: Agile Web Application Development with Squeak

By Marcus Denker

Seaside represents a new generation of web frameworks: It makes web development simple and fun. Using advanced features of Squeak, Seaside is able to provide easy to use abstractions for true agile development.

URL: 599.html

5 Theses on Informational-Cognitive Capitalism

By George N. Dafermos

Discussion premised on the intersections of information feudalism, free software and open sources, piracy, cracking, volunteer and unwaged labour, class reconfigurations, and tainted myth.

URL: 1083.html


Das Geheimnis - Reloaded

By Peter Glaser

Seit jeher war es das Gegenteil von Information, ihr dunkler Bruder: das Geheimnis. Jetzt ist es wieder mit aller Macht im Kommen. Peter Glaser über den Weg in die Geheimnisgesellschaft.

URL: 864.html

Military intelligence for terrorists(tm) - A lamer's introduction to retrieving "sensitive" intelligence information

By Andreas Krennmair

Since 9/11, the US government is especially picky about which information is to be published. This lecture shows how you can still get some very interesting and "sensitive" geographical information.

URL: 513.html

AJAX Based Web Applications

By mesch

Isn't ironic that web applications are now as nice to use as GUI applications were before the web was invented? Well, almost as nice. We review state of the technologies that make this possible, and discuss the ramifications for the architecture of web applications.

URL: 418.html

Hashing Trusted Computing - Der aktuelle Stand

By Rüdiger Weis

Wir präsentieren ein generisches Angriffs-Framework und zeige exemplarisch neue pratische Angriffe auf digitale Signaturen, die Zertifikats-Infrastruktur und die Bootkontrollsequenzen basierend auf neuen Resultaten zur Hashfunktion SHA-1. Diese Ergebnisse komprimtieren grundlegend die Sicherheit der TCG Architektur.

URL: 495.html


Black Ops Of TCP/IP 2005.5 - New Explorations: Large Graphs, Larger Threats

By Dan Kaminsky

I will discuss new experiences and potential directions involving scanning massive networks, such as the entire world's DNS infrastructure.

URL: 1108.html

Was ist technisches Wissen? - Philosophische Grundlagen technischer Wissenschaften

By Sandro Gaycken

Unter dem steigenden Interesse der Technikphilosophen und der Diversifizierung der philosophischen Wissenschaftstheorie erscheinen erste Untersuchungen über technisches Wissen. Der Vortrag zeigt an, auf welchen Pfaden und mit welchen Fragen die Wissenschaftsphilosophie an die Technik derzeit heran tritt. Davon ausgehend soll auch das gegenwärtige philosophische Bild vom technischen Wissen gezeigt werden.

URL: 516.html

Robots for fun and research

By Verena

In this talk, several examples of cutting-edge research in robotics will be presented, and their implications for the future of robotics will be discussed.

URL: 588.html

Lightning Talks Day 2 - Nine five minutes talks by various speakers

By Florian Holzhauer

There are also loads of reasons for attending the lightning talks (there is a 1-hour block of those each day at 22C3, with 10 talks in a row). It’s entertaining. You get to learn about a lot of different subjects in a short time. And even if one particular speaker is boring: hey, it will be over in just 5 minutes and a new topic will begin.

URL: 912.html


Personal experiences bringing technology and new media to disaster areas - Experiences from Iraq and post Katrina New Orleans

By Jacob Appelbaum

A discussion about technology, culture, the Creative Commons and the media with regards to disaster areas and warzones.

URL: 478.html

Lawful Interception in VoIP networks - Old Laws and New Technology the German Way

By Hendrik Scholz

Lawful Interception (aka voice and signalling sniffing) equipment has been deployed and is in use for both traditional PSTN networks and internet connections. With the advent of Voice over IP applications the governments step-by-step adopted laws to extend PSTN interception to VoIP. The talk gives an introduction to the applying laws, rules of conduct and the basic PSTN setup.

URL: 468.html

PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block - Language/VM R&D, whole program type inference, translation to low level backends, fun

By Holger Krekel, Carl Friedrich Bolz, Armin Rigo

We present our first self-contained Python virtual machine that uses parts of itself to translate itself to low level languages ("the Muenchhausen approach"). The PyPy approach could solve problems at language/interpreter-level that formerly required complex frameworkish solutions at user-level.

URL: 586.html

Sony BMGs digitaler Hausfriedensbruch - Über die Durchsetzung industrieller Interessen um jeden Preis

By Markus Beckedahl, fukami

"Ich glaube, die meisten Menschen wissen gar nicht was ein Rootkit ist, warum sollen sie sich also darum kümmern?" - Thomas Hesse, Präsident Global Digital Business-Abteilung bei Sony BMG

URL: 1132.html


Search Engines - Oracles of the Information Society - The Saga continues: Search Engines, Technology, Politics, Prostitution, Corruption, Privacy and Espionage.

By Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann, Hendrik Speck, Frédéric Philipp Thiele

The session will focus on the influence of search engines on individuals, societies, education and politics.

URL: 1104.html

Vulnerability markets - What is the economic value of a zero-day exploit?

By Rainer Böhme

What is the market value of a zero-day exploit?

URL: 801.html

Privaterra - Report from the field - IT Security and Human Rights organizations - The needs, the challenges & recommendations

By Robert Guerra

An overview of the work being done by Privaterra and other organizations to help identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities faced by Human Rights Organizations.

URL: 473.html

Anonymous Data Broadcasting by Misuse of Satellite ISPs - An open-source project to develop a tool for broadband satellite broadcasts

By Sven Löschner

The lecture focuses on satellite ISP technology and how to misuse it for anonymously broadcasting to an unlimited number of anonymous users while only one user pays for a standard dial-up connection of a satellite ISP.

URL: 589.html


Old Skewl Hacking - InfraRed updated - MMIrDA - Major Malfunction's InfraRed Discovery Application

By Major Malfunction

An updated look at InfraRed hacking, and the state of the art in owning hotel TV systems.

URL: 535.html

Podcasting Explained - The Realtime Podcast

By Tim Pritlove

This lecture is more of a live podcast recording session than a traditional talk. So you will be more of an audience in a radio studio while Tim is producing the podcast. In the podcast which is produced in realtime, Tim will lay out the various aspects of podcasting including history, background technology and future directions.

URL: 1147.html

Anonymität im Internet - Rechtliche und technische Aspekte

By Julius Mittenzwei, Andreas Lehner, Peter Franck

Der Vortrag bietet einen Überblick über die verfügbaren Systeme und Implementierungen, ihre Entwicklungsgeschichte und die technischen Grundlagen. Darüber hinaus schildert er die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Gesetzgebungsbestrebungen. Es folgt ein kurzer Abriss der Erfahrungen als Betreiber eines Node.

URL: 785.html

Alter Wein in einer neuen Flasche: Rootkits unter dem 2.6 Kernel - Kernel Module unter dem 2.6er Kernel für gut und böse?

By newroot, k-mode

Bisher war weder möglich rootkits noch Abwehrmassnahmen unter dem 2.6er Kernel zu schreiben, durch unsere Technik ist es nun möglich die System-Calls direkt zu modifizieren. Somit geben wir euch die Technik in die Hand Rootkits zu erstellen, als auch Abwerhmethoden zu implementieren. In unserem Vortrag, erklären wir wie ein Rootkit generel funktioniert und wie man mit Hilfe der antisec-technik Rootkits unter dem 2.6er Kernel erstellen kann. Das ganze wird durch eine live Demo abgerundet.

URL: 1129.html


Technological art off the trodden tracks - Artists (mis)using technology

By Régine Débatty, Jussi Ängeslevä

A review of today's technological art scene, with examples and discussion of their impact on our technology-driven society.

URL: 1085.html

muXTCP - Writing your own flexible Userland TCP/IP Stack - Ninja Style!!!

By Paul Böhm

This talk will discuss design approaches for writing flexible userland tcp/ip stacks for network hacking tools.

URL: 529.html

Digital Identity and the Ghost in the Machine - "Once I Was Lost But Now I've Been Found"

By Max Kilger

The demarcation line that used to separate your digital identity from your real world physical identity is rapidly disappearing. More seriously, it is permanently changing the way in which the world sees you and you see yourself.

URL: 549.html

The Cell Processor - Computing of Tomorrow or Yesterday

By Torsten Hoefler

The x86 architecture has been the de facto standard for many years. Attempts to take the turn, like Intel tried with the VLIW Itanium Architetcture were desastrous. But the x86 architecture is not able to fulfil the demands of today's market. Several additions have been proposed (MMX,3dNow,SSE1-3), but the Cell approach takes them to the next level.

URL: 519.html


Corp vs. Corp - Profiling Modern Espionage

By Roberto Preatoni, Fabio Ghioni

An impressionistic overview of what makes the difference today and in the future (in the digital playground) in the balance of power between economic and military powers. The presentation will also cover a description of the business behind espionage worldwide as well as the asymmetric organizations that are the real master of puppets.

URL: 423.html

Learning cryptography through handcyphers - Shaping a digital future with ancient wisdom

By Brenno de Winter

For many people cryptography is something that they consider too complicated. But actually one can understand the principles very well if they only try. By looking at old handcyphers used for coding one can begin to understand modern cryptography.

URL: 469.html

Autodafé: An Act of Software Torture - Presentation of an innovative buffer overflow uncovering technique called "Fuzzing by weighting attacks with markers"

By Martin Vuagnoux

Automated vulnerability searching tools have led to a dramatic increase of the rate at which such flaws are discovered. One particular searching technique is fault injection – i.e. insertion of random data into input files, buffers or protocol packets, combined with a systematic monitoring of memory violations. Even if these tools allow to uncover a lot of vulnerabilities, they are still very primitive; despite their poor efficiency, they are useful because of the very high density of such vulnerabilities in modern software.

URL: 606.html

Lyrical I - Abschluss des CCC-Poesie-Wettbewerbs

By Martin Haase, Jens Ohlig, Henriette Fiebig

Auf der Abschlußveranstaltung des CCC-Poesie-Wettbewerbs "Lyrical I" werden die schönsten und originellsten Beiträge vorgestellt.

URL: 532.html


Literarisches Code-Quartett - The good, the bad, and the ugly

By Lisa Thalheim, Felix von Leitner, Andreas Bogk, FX of Phenoelit

Die Parallelen bei Software und Büchern gehen von dem kreativen Schaffensprozeß über Konsumverhalten, Entlohnung bis zu Fragen wie Lizenzen und Verwertungsmodelle. Wir werden das dieses Jahr noch etwas weiter treiben, indem wir analog zur bekannten Fernsehsendung besonders prägnante Codestücke auf der Bühne mit Publikum kritisieren werden.

URL: 598.html

Geometrie ohne Punkte, Geraden & Ebenen - Buckminster Fullers Theorie und Praxis einer Wissenschaft zum Selberbauen

By Oona Leganovic

Über die Prinzipien hinter den geodätischen Domen, einige weitere Erfindungen und die wissenschaftliche Rezeption Fullers. Das Verhältnis von Fuller zur modernen Naturwissenschaft.

URL: 520.html

Community mesh networking - Ubiquitous wireless mesh clouds with olsrd from olsr.org

By Elektra Wagenrad

Olsr.org's improved algorithm (compared to the initial INRIA OLSR draft) and how it may influence the development of ubiquitous free wireless networks.

URL: 1103.html

Capture The Flag

By Lexi Pimendis, mc.fly

CTF von 23.00 bis 7.00

URL: 916.html


Thursday, 2005-12-29

Saal 1

Saal 2

Saal 3

Saal 4


Have you hugged your Mac today? - Ein audiovisuelles Live-Feature

By Jochen Koubek, Ina Kwasniewski, Kai Kittler, Marcus Richter, Jens-Martin Loebel, Constanze Kurz

Live-Performance der Hörspielwerkstatt der Humboldt-Universität Berlin in deutscher und englischer Sprache über Apple, Steve Jobs und Steve Wozniak.

URL: 867.html


Transparenz der Verantwortung in Behörden

By Philipp Sonntag

Wir brauchen eine neue, gesellschaftlich breit überzeugende Lösung für das Problem mit dem Datenschutz. So wie es jetzt läuft geht die Aushöhlung der Persönlichkeitsrechte durch schrittweise Einschränkung des Datenschutzes immer weiter. Statt dem gläsernen Bürger brauchen wir die gläserne Verwaltung.

URL: 521.html

COMPLETE Hard Disk Encryption with FreeBSD - Learn how to effectively protect not only your data but also your applications

By Marc Schiesser

Most technologies and techniques intended for securing digital data focus on protection while the machine is turned on – mostly by defending against remote attacks. An attacker with physical access to the machine, however, can easily circumvent these defenses by reading out the contents of the storage medium on a different, fully accessible system or even compromise program code on it in order to leak encrypted information. Especially for mobile users, that threat is real. And for those carrying around sensitive data, the risk is most likely high.This talk will introduce a method of mitigating that particular risk by protecting not only the data through encryption, but also the applications and the operating system from being compromised while the machine is turned off.

URL: 1139.html


Data Mining für den Weltfrieden

By Jule Riede-Buechele

Wir drehen den Spiess um: Wie die Quintessenz die NSA analysiert hat. Warum die Bedrohung durch schmutzige Bomben eine fiktive ist. Wie zerlegt man systematisch eine Angst und Hysterie schürende Informationspolitik?

URL: 490.html

Academic tools and real-life bug finding in Win32

By Rafał Wojtczuk

Overview of a few academic program verification/checking tools; their usefulness for practical bug finding (particularly, in Win32 PE binaries); a report on the progress of integer overflow detection tool implementation (with preliminary results).

URL: 563.html

The Right Track - A new approach to copyright in the digital world

By Nicholas Bentley

A discussion of the Intellectual Contributions model and the Rights Office system as an alternative for regulating copyright in a digital environment.

URL: 562.html


Private investigations in searching - How to find any book (and many other roadkills) on the Information Super-Highway

By Fravia

You will not need to copy any more nothing on your hard disk. Once you learn some sound searching techniques, you will easily find whatever you want, whenever you want on the fly.

URL: 408.html

e-Voting: The silent decline of public control - Why German voting machines do not meet the requirements of democratic elections.

By Ulrich Wiesner

The voting machines widely used in Germany's recent elections fail to follow both fundamental democratic principles and German legal requirements. Highlights of a recent Irish report on security issues of these machines will be provided.

URL: 1134.html

The Web according to W3C - How to turn your idea into a standard

By Bert Bos

W3C brings together experts, companies and users to define the fundamental formats and protocols of the Web. The challenge is to create a coherent system (the "Semantic Web") without forgettingeverybody's short-term needs.

URL: 429.html

Attacking the IPv6 Protocol Suite

By van Hauser

After a short introduction on the differences of IPv4 to IPv6, the weaknesses in IPv6 will be shown. Highlight of the talk is the presentation of the THC-IPV6 Attack Toolkit, which includes all IPv6 attacks as well as a low level packet library for easy crafting packets.

URL: 772.html


I See Airplanes! - How to build your own radar system

By Eric Blossom

The lecture describes how to build your own passive radar system using relatively low-cost hardware and free software.

URL: 543.html

Internet Voting in Estonia - First-ever pan-national official occasion.

By Tarvi Martens

Tarvi, the project manager for Estonian e-voting, is going to explain how the Internet voting system is built and how the Internet voting was made possible for the Estonian voters.

URL: 1098.html

Open Source, EU funding and Agile Methods - Sprint methodology in funded OSS projects

By Holger Krekel, Beatrice Düring

There is a growing number of open-source developers organized and connected to company and money related work. We report our experiences from the first year of the PyPy project which has a 7 company/university consortium and a 1.3 Million Euro research grant from the European Union.

URL: 585.html

Logical Language Lojban - A Hackers' /Spoken/ Language?!

By Sven Moritz Hallberg

Lojban is an artificial language for humans. It was designed to be a more powerful means of communication between humans than "legacy" natural languages. Among other attractions, it is based on predicate logic and has an unambiguous grammar. It can be learnt within days.

URL: 569.html


Changing Realities - Innovation, user-creation, activism and entrepreneurship in Second Life

By Cory Ondrejka

The 3D digital world of Second Life has been completely built by its residents. Running on a growing grid of computers, SL's real-time collaborative-creation tools and physical simulation allow for creativity of stunning depth and breadth.

URL: 931.html

Fuzzing - Breaking software in an automated fashion

By Ilja

Fuzzing is the art of automatic bug finding. This is done by providing applications with somewhat broken to really broken input. During my talk I'll give an overview of current fuzzers and how to build your own.

URL: 537.html

EvoCell - free software for evolving cellular automata - Exploring the huge space of possible cellular automata by evolution

By Philipp Tiefenbacher

This talk is for everyone who liked to play around with the game of life when he/she was a kid (or older).The goal of this talk is to present EvoCell, a free software project released under the GPL. EvoCell can simulate arbitrarily many cellular automata in parallel with any neigbourhood, any number of states (RAM is the limit) and any transition rules.The really interesting part is that you can evolve the transition rules. By using genetic algorithms EvoCell allows you to explore the huge space of possible cellular automata. Strange worlds of gliders, replicators, blinkers and other cellular machines are awaiting you.In the talk I'll try to explain some fundamental principles of artificial life and demonstrate how the can be seen in cellular automata.

URL: 407.html

Lightning Talks Day 3 - Nine five minutes talks by various speakers

By fukami

There are also loads of reasons for attending the lightning talks (there is a 1-hour block of those each day at 22C3, with 10 talks in a row). It’s entertaining. You get to learn about a lot of different subjects in a short time. And even if one particular speaker is boring: hey, it will be over in just 5 minutes and a new topic will begin.

URL: 913.html


Towards the first Free Software GSM Phone - Reverse Engineering the Motorola EZX (A768,A780,E680) series of Linux-based GSM phones

By Harald Welte

This presentation describes the progress of hacking and extending the Motorola series of Linux based Smartphones, with the ultimate goal to replace all proprietary applications with 100% free software.

URL: 768.html

Learning JavaScript with the Google Maps API

By mesch

The web application programming interface (API) that allows to embed google maps in web pages is quite simple, if you speak javascript, yet it employs some of the more sophisticated concepts of the language, such as custom objects and closures. So if you don't speak javascript yet, but want to learn it, using the google maps APIgives you a head start.

URL: 417.html

Esperanto, die internationale Sprache - Eine gut strukturierte Sprache für Geeks und die EU

By pallas

Esperanto ist eine leicht erlernbare Sprache, die durch ihre klare Struktur besticht. Sie soll als Zweitsprache weltweite Verständigung ermöglichen. Momentan werden Englisch und dessen Muttersprachler bevorzugt. Bei Esperanto sind alle gleich.

URL: 503.html


"Xbox" and "Xbox 360" Hacking - 17 Mistakes Microsoft Made in the Xbox Security System & Xbox 360 Hacking

By Felix Domke, Michael Steil

A lot about Xbox hacking has been published earlier. This talk summarizes all this, explains some very cool new hacks and analyzes the 15 mistakes Microsoft made in the Xbox security system. It also gives an introduction on the Xbox 360.

URL: 559.html

Disassembler Internals II: Automated Data Structure Recognition

By Richard Johnson

Disassembler Internals II is an advanced look at the power of programmatic disassembly analysis. The talk will focus on data structure recognition for the purposes of reducing time spent reverse engineering protocols and proprietary file formats.

URL: 926.html

Atmel AVR für Dummies - Was ist denn nun eigentlich so ein 'Interrupt'?

By fd0

Mikrocontroller sind heutzutage als Embedded Devices kaum noch wegzudenken. Dieser Workshop soll anhand vom Beispiel fnordlicht[1] zeigen, wie ein Atmel AVR Controller funktioniert und programmiert wird.

URL: 482.html

Random Windows Stuff - An introduction to exploitation

By Ollie Whitehouse

A random presentation on stuff related to Windows from Terminal Services through to Device Drivers. This talk will discuss some of the functionality and a funky patch or two that can be applied to terminal services to make it a little interesting. In addition Ollie will walk through some of the things he has learned about user land to device driver communications and how these could potentially be exploited.

URL: 1133.html


How to construct Utopia - The relationship between the publication of Moore’s death certificate and hacker culture

By Lena Elisa Nalbach

Projecting the diverse architectures involved in the collaborative construction of Utopia, the event presents the simultaneous stages of the project: Simulating the virtual battleground of the ideal world, ideas will be tested in design prior to actual building of Utopia in reality.

URL: 774.html

WarTracking - Satellite Tracking, harvesting and security

By Miguel Elias, Thomas B. Rücker - dm8tbr

An spiced up introduction into the world of satellite telecommunications. We'll begin at reception setup. Explain theory behind the technical part of satellite telecommunications and finally present the variety of signals flowing down from orbit to the reciever. Several hack-valued topics will be covered. Such as "Be your own satellite broadcaster", fascinating data traffic, "Who else is listening?" and self made recieving/transmitting gear.

URL: 580.html

Hosting a Hacking Challenge - CTF-style - Background information on CIPHER, an international Capture-The-Flag contest

By Lexi Pimendis

The talk will give a deep view behing the scenes of creating a CTF-hacking challenge. Starting from a short analysis of requirements for such an event, the organizational work to be done, to the main topic: designing the actual contest and choosing the software to be hacked.

URL: 428.html


The truth about Nanotechnology - A concise introduction to what NT is, what it can't do yet and what we should be aware of

By Niels Boeing

Nanotechnology marks the merger of different technologies in structures smaller than 100 nm. While it could yield some powerful applications for sustainability, medicine and electronics, some hazards begin to appear that have to be addressed urgently

URL: 336.html

Intrusion Detection Systems - Elevated to the Next Level

By Matthias Petermann, Alien8

Currently there exist many different IDS techniques. However, none of them is the superior one. Best results can only be determined by a combination of them. We introduce an approach how to do that efficiently.

URL: 561.html

Free Software and Anarchism - does this compute?

By Sandro Gaycken

The mode of production in free software development is often being described as anarchical. Despite this attribution seems not initially intended in any fundamental political sense, this sense starts to transfuse the discussions. This invites to a closer look at the reference: what it is, what it's not and what it could be. And once viewed from general anarchist theory and the anarchist theory of technology, any political relation seems to vanish. But despite this first stance, a demonstrative value can still be obtained as soon as some critical remarks are acknowledged and some developmental frames would be changed.

URL: 517.html

Memory allocator security

By Yves Younan

This talk will discuss a variety of memory allocators that are available for C and C++ and how they can be exploited. Afterwards I will describe our modification to one of these memory allocators that makes it more resilient to attacks.

URL: 574.html


Fnord Jahresrückblick - Was wirklich geschah

By Frank Rieger, Felix von Leitner

The underreported stories of the year, sorted by bizarreness.

URL: 601.html

Zauberhafte Naturwissenschaften

By Wolfgang Hahn

Zur Anregung, sich mit Naturwissenschaften zu beschäftigen und „einfache, selbstverständliche“ Sachverhalte wieder fragwürdig und problemhaltig zu machen.

URL: 778.html

Honeymonkeys - Chasing hackers with a bunch of monkeys

By Sebastian Wolfgarten, Krisztian Piller

As part of their ongoing efforts to secure the use of the web for Windows-based systems Microsoft recently launched a new research initiative called Honeymonkeys. This talk will introduce the basic concepts and ideas behind this initiative and will present the speakers' latest research project to gain more knowledge about implementing client-based honeypots.

URL: 871.html

Unix sanity layer - A class oriented interface to Unix system management

By Sascha Krissler

A language independent class library is presented that provides basic, advanced and unique object-oriented paradigms that ease system management and configuration by providing abstractions as frontends to the myriads of configuration file formats and other system objects.

URL: 512.html


Hacker Jeopardy - The one and only hacker quizshow

By Stefan 'Sec' Zehl, Ray

The well known quizshow format, but of course covering topics not usually seen on television

URL: 789.html

Entschwörungstheorie - Verschwörungstheoretiker sind hinter mir her!

By Daniel Kulla

Anschließend an den letztjährigen Vortrag über die bedauerliche Mangel- und Fehlrezeption Robert Anton Wilsons soll die Gesellschaft, in der sich populäre Verschwörungstheorien über 9/11 und "USrael" befinden, vorgestellt werden. Verschwörungstheorien können ein lustiges Spielzeug sein, wenn sie nicht geglaubt werden. In der bewußtseinserweiternden Tradition von Wilson könnten Hacker für assoziativen Mindfuck werben. Warum jedoch werden Verschwörungstheorien so selten dekonstruiert und so oft gepusht?

URL: 426.html

Hexenbesen und heiliger Gral - Vorläufige und subjektive Gedanken zur inhaltlichen Qualität von Wikipedia-Artikeln

By Henriette Fiebig

Einige vorläufige und ausgesprochen subjektive Gedanken zur Artikelqualität in der Wikipedia aus der Sicht eines Geisteswissenschaftlers. Dabei interessiert weniger die Frage nach den sogenannten „Relevanzkriterien”, als vielmehr die Frage danach, inwieweit die Arbeitsweise in und mit der Wikipedia den Ansprüchen an eine wissenschaftliche Arbeitsweise genügt. Ein Anleitung auch für den, der sich fragt, ob man den Informationen eines Wikipedia-Artikels denn überhaupt trauen kann.

URL: 1111.html

Breaking Down the Web of Trust

By Seth Hardy

Even with tutorials on the WoT and good trust policies the concept of "trust" can still be hard to grasp. Here we'll look at trust metrics, ways of using current trust systems better, and some non-crypto applications of trust.

URL: 545.html


Friday, 2005-12-30

Saal 1

Saal 2

Saal 3

Saal 4


WSIS - The Review - Hacking a Dictatorship

By Ralf Bendrath, Robert Guerra, Markus Beckedahl

Der zweite World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) findet im November in Tunis statt. Die beiden beherrschenden Themen Internet Governance und Financing Mechanism sind nicht besonders spannend. Allerdings wird der WSIS2 in Tunesien stattfinden, einem Land mit einer Diktatur, wo Menschenrechte mit Füssen getreten werden und die gesamte ICT-Infrastruktur überwacht und zensiert wird.

URL: 470.html

Urheberrecht - Fakten, Mythen, Geschichte(n) und mögliche Zukünfte

By Julian 'hds' Finn, Jenny-Louise Becker

Viel wird erzählt, viel ist auch falsch, anderes wird verschwiegen Jenny-Louise Becker (Autorin des Buches "Sounds Right!" und Julian Finn (Attac, Entropia (CCC Karlsruhe)) führen den Zuhörer auf eine Reise von den Anfängen des Urheberrechtes bis hin zur heutigen Zeit, räumen mit den Mythen auf und bieten Visionen an, wohin es gehen könnte. Natürlich nicht ohne die Gefahren und Abgründe zu erwähnen, die sich auftun oder noch auftun könnten.

URL: 782.html

A discussion about modern disk encryption systems

By Jacob Appelbaum

Jacob Appelbaum will discuss different disk encryption systems in their current implementation. This will include technical as well as legal issues.

URL: 1112.html

The Future of Virtualization - The "anyOS" paradigm and its implications through virtualization

By Felix Erkinger

Modern virtualization technics are changing the point of view used to build software and its infrastructure.Explaining the techniques used in cutting edge virtualization software, this talk gives an introspection how virtualization is solving design issues in heterogenos computing environments.

URL: 788.html


Quantum Entanglement - An introduction

By Stephanie Wehner

Entanglement is possibly the most intriguing element of quantum theory. This talk gives a gentle introduction to the phenomenon of entanglement and nonlocality. Uses of entanglement in quantum cryptography and quantum computing are also presented.

URL: 1077.html

Fair Code - Free/Open Source Software and the Digital Divide

By Meike Richter

What has software to do with development policy? A lot. Software is not only about code, it is about rights, control, transparency, freedom and power.

URL: 479.html

Paper-Prototyping Workshop - Eine Usability-Methode

By Ellen Reitmayr, Antenne Springborn

Paper Prototyping ist eine schnelle und effiziente Methode, um User Interfaces ohne Programmieraufwand zu modellieren und mit echten Nutzern zu testen. Benötigt werden nur ein paar Blatt Papier, eine Schere und ein Stift.

URL: 498.html

Kochen für Nerds

By Hans Knöll, Christian Jeitler

Im Sinne einer humorvollen Kochshow mit parallel getatekten Tips zu Einkauf, Zubereitung und Hardware zeigen wir, dass selbst gekocht nicht mehr Aufwand ist, als in der Mikrowelle aufgewärmt.

URL: 790.html


Covert Communication in a Dark Network - A major new version of freenet

By Oskar Sandberg, Ian Clarke

At Defcon 13, we presented our ideas for creating scalable networks where only trusted friends speak directly to each other. In this talk, we will elaborate on this, discussing further experiments and results, as well as our attempts to build such a network for real.

URL: 492.html

Access to Knowledge - Copyright, Patents and Politics at the World Intellectual Property Organisation

By Karsten Gerloff

Your Access to Knowledge is at stake. At the World Intellectual Property Organisation, where international treaties on copyright and patents are decided on, a revolution is taking place. Big rightsholders have been getting their way until now, restricting the free use of ideas. A Treaty on Access to Knowledge is needed to guarantee your rights, and the Free Software Foundation Europe is working on it.

URL: 499.html

Terminator Genes and GURT - Biological Restrictions Management - Five Years after the announcement of a quasi moratorium

By Oliver Moldenhauer, Julian 'hds' Finn

Terminator Technology prevents plants from producing reproducible seeds, acting as a sort of copy protection technology for plants. In this talk we want to talk about the technological background, explaining the bits of genetic code that can switch reproduction on and off. Also we want to focus on the implication of this technology, the parallels to our struggles as hackers, and the resistance to its introduction.

URL: 828.html


Bluetooth Hacking - The State of The Art - A roundup and live demonstrations of all currently known Bluetooth vulnerabilities.

By Martin Herfurt, Marcel Holtmann, Adam Laurie

This talk will provide an overview of all currently know Bluetooth exploits, as well as live demonstrations, including Bluebugging, Snarfing, Dumping, PIN cracking and Car Whispering.

URL: 536.html

WiFi Long Shots - Wireless connections of 20km and more

By Elektra Wagenrad

What you need to know to successfully design and build a wifi long shot. RF Calculation. Knowledge about the Fresnel Zone. Polarisation of electromagnetic waves. Tricks to avoid interference. Timeout problems of 802.11abg and how to deal with them.

URL: 1078.html

Secure Code - Why developing Secure Software is like playing Marble Madness

By Paul Böhm

This talk will introduce new strategies for dealing with entire bug classes, and removing bug attractors from development environments.

URL: 530.html

Lightning Talks Day 4 - Nine five minutes talks by various speakers

By prometoys

There are also loads of reasons for attending the lightning talks (there is a 1-hour block of those each day at 22C3, with 10 talks in a row). It’s entertaining. You get to learn about a lot of different subjects in a short time. And even if one particular speaker is boring: hey, it will be over in just 5 minutes and a new topic will begin.

URL: 915.html


GNU/Linux für Blinde und Sehbehinderte - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis

By Sebastian Andres, Lars Stetten

In diesem Vortrag wird erläutert, wie Blinde und Sehbehinderte Menschen mit dem Computer generell und speziell mit OpenSource-Lösungen arbeiten. Dabei werden sowohl Hard- als auch Softwarelösungen vorgestellt.

URL: 1109.html

The Realtime thing - What the heck is realtime - and what to do with it

By Felix Erkinger, Erwin Erkinger

An overview on realtime software design, with explanations of commonly used terms and methods.

URL: 575.html

The very early Computer Game History - How the games have become the first digital mass product

By Andreas Lange

Andreas Lange will show the very early computer games before they became a commercial product. If you ever want to know, what was really the first game this session will be the right one for you.

URL: 424.html


Blackberry: call to arms, some provided - Teach yourself upper management in 22 days

By FX of Phenoelit

RIM Blackberry devices and servers are hidden behind a curtain of FUD and secrecy. The purpose of this talk is to lift the curtain a little and show what can and could be done.

URL: 596.html

Advanced Buffer Overflow Methods [or] Smack the Stack - Cracking the VA-Patch

By Izik

A quick review of the standard buffer overflow exploit structure VA Patch, What it is and what it does to prevent buffer overflows.

URL: 491.html

22C3 Network Review

By Stefan Wahl, Sebastian Werner

An Introduction into the structure and design of the congress network -featuring a description of hardware setup and focusing on the uplink tothe internet.

URL: 496.html

Wargames - Hacker Spielen - Männliche Identitätskonstruktion und spielerische Herangehensweisen an Computer

By Francis Hunger

In diesem Vortrag unternehme ich den Versuch, einige Aspekte der Konstruktion von Geschlechteridentitäten anhand der Figur des Hackers zu beleuchten. Der Hacker als Identitätskonstruktion interessiert mich in Bezug auf den technikzentrierten Kontext, in dem er spielerisch agiert.

URL: 427.html


Security Nightmares 2006 - Oder: worüber wir nächstes Jahr lachen werden

By Ron, Frank Rieger

Security Nightmares - der jährliche Rückblick auf die IT-Sicherheit und der Security-Glaskugelblick fürs nächste Jahr.

URL: 600.html


22C3 Closing Event

By Julia Lüning, Henriette Fiebig, fukami, Tim Pritlove

Please join us as we look back to what happened and look forward to what's next on our agenda.

URL: 776.html