This Week in Tech with Larry Lessig

Martin Dittus · 2005-10-25 · a new world, intellectual property, links · write a comment

The new episode of This Week in Tech features copyright lawyer and Creative Commons-guru Lawrence Lessig, and it's a great show with lots of great clarifications and anectodes about America's current state of copyright law. Probably the best way to learn about the subject and still be entertained.

The cast of this show is a pretty diverse list of characters coming from different backgrounds (most are journalists of some kind, some are also publishers, hobby musicians, or software developers, and Lessig obviously is a lawyer), and it's great to see how they interact. It seems to me that this is a rare TWiT show where all participants are equally committed and emotionally invested in the show's topic.

And yet they still can easily find a consensus -- which just shows how the existing system is only backed by those who have a financial interest in the distribution, and not by those who actually produce content.

It's also interesting to compare the situation in the US with our own problems in Germany, see PopKomm 2005 - Business as Usual for some pointers.

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