The following text explains how to get the Linksys WUSB11 2.8 working on OS X, and probably any other wifi adapter based on an Atmel AT76c505 chipset. (Caveat: As far as I know Kismac still does not support Atmel devices.)
Short version for people who have patched wifi drivers before: try the XTerasys XN-2122B drivers linked below. (mailtomomo indicates that AIN's AWU2000B also has a driver for OS X, and they do indeed have a download labeled "Mac driver", but that only links to an .exe)
Skip the prelude if you only want the raw facts.
London has a lot of open wifi networks, so it's a paradise for the alyways-stay-connected junkie... Unfortunately my Powerbook's wifi antenna isn't too strong, which means it's usually a hassle to get a decent and stable connection. After one too many times of such technology-induced frustrations I decided I needed a remedy, so I bought a cheap external 802.11b USB adapter, the Linksys WUSB11 v2.8.
Unfortunately setting up the device turned out to be a pain -- I had consulted several hardware lists that uniformly declared WUSB11 v2.5 and v3 to be based on a Prism2 chipset, and I assumed that the v2.8 would certainly have the same technological basis; after all, 2.8 is in between 2.5 and 3, right? Needless to say, hardware manufacturers will disagree with that. After much experimentation with modified Prism drivers I finally opened the device and found an Atmel chip inside, the AT76c505. And as every wifi FAQ will tell you, Atmel and OS X == usually a bad match.
Long story short, the at76c503a driver project has a detailed list of AT76c50x wifi devices, which includes several devices based on the AT76c505, so I simply tried to find OS X drivers for every device listen on that page.
If you've never patched a driver before it may be helpful to check out the OS X wifi driver patching howto on -- it's for a different chipset, but the overall approach is the same.
- Get your device's vendor and product ID from System Profiler (mine: vendor=0x1915, product=0x2233)
- If they're in hex: convert to decimal, e.g. with Calculator (mine: vendor=6421, product=8755)
- Download the OS X driver for the XTerasys XN-2122B USB stick
- it comes with three versions of the driver and configuration application (10.1, 10.2 and 10.3) -- I used the 10.3 versions
- open the DriverSetup.pkg bundle of your driver, open the Contents folder in Terminal, then run gunzip Archive.pax.gz
- open Archive.pax in a hex editor of your choice -- I use Hex Fiend
- search for the first occurrence of idProduct, replace the numeric value with the decimal product ID of your adapter; make sure not to change the overall file length (this is a binary file!) -- e.g. pad with zeros if your ID is shorter
- do the same for the first occurrence of idVendor
- re-pack the file with gzip Archive.pax
- now you can install your patched driver
- after rebooting go to System Preferences, open the Network panel, you should get a "new device found" message
- install XTerasys' config application (a rudimentary setup tool called WatlanX) and run it to connect to your network
- XTerasys XN-2122B OS Xdriver, product page
- AT76c50x-based wifi devices
- Patching OS X wifi drivers
the one thing i do hate so much in regards to wifi adapter shopping is the monopoly and "unholy union" that most manufacturers have with microsoft. each new revision of available hardware (DLink is the first notorious manufacturer that comes to mind) seems to only facilitate the breaking of hardware support in non-windows operating systems. the lack of manufacturer wifi adapter support for *nix and OS X is disparaging, but thank god(s) for an active community that documents the trials and tribulations for all to read and learn from.
smallcaps, 2006-10-20 18:50 CET (+0100) Link
I tried the steps above, but it didn't work. I don't get the "new device found", and can't connect wirelessly with my WUSB11 2.8. I should point out that I'm a converted Windows user, converted to Linux six months ago, and just started using a Mac (OS X 10.2.8) a month ago. Any suggestions? PS -- the link to the "How to patch" page4 isn't working.
sabresong, 2007-05-20 21:23 CET (+0100) Link
i got a superclass error when trying to kextload the driver, im using 10.4.8, help,anyone?
i think it should be recompiled for 10.4 but how?
John Panlican, 2007-08-13 10:52 CET (+0100) Link
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