Searching for volunteers: Heralds at 23C3

Martin Dittus · 2006-11-14 · conferences · 1 comment


Photo by smallcaps.

Update: Just found a nice (and brief!) introduction to the Chaos Communication Congress at, just in case any of the following sounds like noise to you.

The congress layout for 23C3 is fixed, and we're starting to plan the details. One important part of this is finding Heralds: volunteers who for a couple of hours are willing to be the main spokesperson in a conference room, who announce the individual sessions, and help out when something goes wrong.

This year we would like to have a Herald for every single talk, not just the big ones in Saal 1. That's quite an ambitious goal (our Herald schedule is comprised of 44 shifts), so we need lots of volunteers!

The job of a Herald is quite simple -- main barrier of entry is that you don't freak out when you have to introduce a lecture in English in front of a potentially huge crowd... And of course it's an incredible opportunity to meet some really interesting people at Europe's largest hacker conference!

For details and a schedule see the Heralds Wiki page. We're going to have a preliminary meeting to brief our Heralds, so watch the CCC Events blog for updates.

If you're interested you can claim a shift by entering your name in the Heralds schedule on our wiki page -- and feel free to contact me in case there are questions.

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nice nice. i will put my nick on the heralds wiki page. can't wait till the conference starts... this time i'm bringing more hard drives!

smallcaps, 2006-11-15 13:03 CET (+0100) Link

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