New Hotlinking Policy

Martin Dittus · 2007-03-10 · drop culture, site updates · 2 comments

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?dekstop\.de [NC] # old rule #RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ - [NC,F] # new rule RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ [NC,R] …

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Renamed Ruby Script Downloads

Martin Dittus · 2006-10-01 · site updates · write a comment

A couple of weeks ago my ISP apparently added Apache support for Ruby scripts, which they didn't provide until recently. Which is great news, but had an unfortunate side-effect: All download links to Ruby scripts on this domain broke, as Apache tried to execute them instead of presenting them in text/plain, but failed because none of the files had the executable bit set (and aren't meant to be executed anyway). A classic moment of naive assumptions on my side -- I should have anticipated that Ruby support is becoming a popular request for hosting providers these days. Due to me …

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Closing Comments for the Next Weeks

Martin Dittus · 2006-07-23 · site updates · write a comment

I'm closing the comments down for now, as I'm quite busy with other stuff and simply don't want to handle the new wave of comment spam that started a couple of weeks ago. You can still reach me via the contact form though. I'll open the comments again at some point down the line, I'm quite proud of the average comment quality on this site, and I wouldn't want to miss your invaluable feedback. But since I wrote the "Spotlight Helps Fight Comment Spam!" article I've received more spam comments than usual, and each day a couple of them aren't …

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Martin Dittus · 2006-05-02 · site updates · 1 comment

I've been silent for a couple of weeks now for a reason: I just submitted my finished diploma thesis (finally!), which meant I had little time for anything else. (Title of the thesis: "Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Explore the Sonic Spectrum of a Software-based Additive Synthesizer", iirc.) I'm now recovering and looking forward to my newfound freedom (but it's not over yet, there's still a verbal exam coming up). To rephrase: Don't expect many updates in the upcoming weeks either, I'm chilling. …

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Added Article Feeds with Comments

Martin Dittus · 2006-03-20 · site updates · write a comment

I've just implemented article feeds for this blog, which is a great feature for everybody who wants to track comments on a particular article, or for people who want to track updates on articles that are too old to be included in the blog's main feed. Originally I simply wanted to add a comments feed for each individual article -- currently I only offer a single combined feed of all comments, and that's usually not what anybody is interested in. Why should you suffer from receiving many irrelevant entries if you're only interested in comments on a particular article? …

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Random Notes and Updates, and a Little Pop Culture

Martin Dittus · 2006-02-15 · commentary, pop culture, site updates, software, stuff · write a comment

I make a lot of little notes in text files that never develop into a full article and eventually get deleted. So to change that, and to maybe even increase the post frequency a bit, I'll start publishing smaller comments. Have no idea yet which way suits me best though; first approach: assemble several semi-connected commentaries to get to article length. TextMate 2.0, which I guess won't be released within the next six months, will be a free update for registered users of TextMate 1.x -- a bold financial decision for the developer Allan Odgaard, but great for his users. …

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Where Is Launched, and We Start Talking About a Conversation

Martin Dittus · 2005-12-23 · code, links, site updates, web services · write a comment

I just had a couple of wonderful days of being busy deploying a new site, The site is a public service derived from the mailfeed.rb script posted earlier: you send email to an address at, and it shows up in a public feed. If you don't know it yet have a look at the site, and then come back. Originally the idea for this arose of a nuisance a friend wanted to get rid of: that there still are people sending out email newsletters instead of writing feeds. But during the last couple of days I found that …

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New Wave of Comment Spam: PageRank Indirection

Martin Dittus · 2005-11-15 · commentary, site updates · write a comment

There is another wave of comment spam coming to my site -- the new variant, where they don't post their own URLs any more, but either URLs that aren't active yet, or URLs of blogs that have already been infiltrated with comment spam. The rationale behind that: I'm supposed to not be put off by the usually offtopic comments and broken grammatical structure and leave them alone, which increases the PageRank of the URLs posted, which in turn increases the PageRank of all pages these URLs link to. Comment spam by indirection. Here's the kicker: they are already putting quite …

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Small changes to the RSS feed

Martin Dittus · 2005-08-22 · site updates · write a comment

I've made some smaller changes to the blog's RSS feed; depending on your aggregator this could cause a little inconvenience, as blog entries might show up as duplicates, or because old entries might reappear as unread. The changes I made remove all trailing "index.html" filenames from permalinks and entry GUIDs, which means links are now cleaner and less dependent on the blog software (I might be switching to TextPattern in the near future), and it also makes it easier for me to read my logfiles. This will be the last time this happens, I promise (*knocks on wood*). Now I …

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Using launchd to Transparently Whitelist Safari's Cookies

Martin Dittus · 2005-07-30 · code, osx, site updates, tools · write a comment

I was looking for ways to automatically start my Safari CookieFilter script, because if I had to launch it manually every time I wanted to clean up Safari's cookies I would never really use it. On a Windows machine I would put the script into the Autostart folder so that it would be executed upon system startup, but I've found that I never really reboot my Mac, so that wouldn't work. Another option would be a script that invokes CookieFilter before it launches Safari, and to only start Safari via this script -- but this idea seemed to simple and …

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miniPlayer musikCube Plugin

Martin Dittus · 2005-03-13 · recommendation engines, site updates, software · write a comment

miniplayer is a minimal interface plugin for musikCube. it has basic player controls, a search field, it can access your playlists, there is a simple behavior-controlled suggestion mechanism (which is just a fancy way of saying "SQL query"), and a couple of small things that make life easier. I probably like the search field the most. type in a word and hit enter: the search result is sent to "now playing", and miniplayer immediately starts playback. instant gratification. if no songs are found the search field keeps focus, so you can correct your query and try again. I still have …

» Full entry client using only HTML+JavaScript

Martin Dittus · 2005-02-24 · site updates, web services · write a comment remote control is a client for the stream webservice, implemented purely in html+javascript. this means that you can control your radio stream with an html page, with some limitations. it has the big advantage that it's snappy. no sucky skinning problems, it loads in a breeze, doesn't crash or hang your pc. and you can bookmark radio stations! and: you don't have to give your to a stranger (i.e., me) in order to use this. all communication takes place between your computer and the; I won't see your username, not even your session ID. this …

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"I Like This!" musikCube plugin

Martin Dittus · 2005-02-20 · recommendation engines, site updates, software, web services · write a comment

"I Like This!" is a simple music recommendation plugin for the musikCube audio player. With this plugin musikCube users can recommend their favorite songs and net radio stations while they are playing in musikCube; all recommendations are then listed on this site. I's an easy way to share your musical taste with others, and to give others new ideas on what kind of music there is. It is also a proof-of-concept: an attempt to show how easy it is to develop a musikCube-plugin that uses xml-rpc to communicate with a remote computer. This opens up a whole space of new …

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second place; shirty

Martin Dittus · 2005-02-12 · site updates · write a comment

origrama .2 cdr compilation from 2004. ths.thesibution to thse-party at the geburttty recording, but great perfoe tracks are my contrrmance at the pastaginal, dirty, e membesclub in berre are some nice contrilin in october ere was a releagreat drums. the making of you are second place; shirty. thanks to <a href="">daniel</a> for organizing all of thi2004. thebutions on that album, but of course my tracks are the best. get the mp3s at …

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multipan VST plugin

Martin Dittus · 2004-10-09 · site updates · write a comment

multipan is an autopan plugin for VST hosts. it uses three LFOs to create a quasi-chaotic panning movement. why I did this? I like to chain autopan plugins that are set to different frequencies in order to produce chaotic panning movements. and after doing this manually once too often I thought I could just as well make a plugin out of it. download at …

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quelltext ep

Martin Dittus · 2004-05-16 · site updates · write a comment

isisnommen kractentWithCntValues(TRnt isConEE *tree, indes, int(*compoem("PAt(tree-t no>noee- curreurrentBdes[ rranch], rranch); /*** wiee->currentBrd daent(tree->nos hier thConsistdes[trtBranch], ee->curre escomsitionFt r, inunction)(int s), auss ****/ systpogeht esitionF uncteFuncion, inverstion)){ entBranch] =USE"); get the mp3s at …

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strange loop ep

Martin Dittus · 2003-11-05 · site updates · write a comment

Moon hieen eurdy elles and schodies. Favosic betwpeaop hctronoecmoonic muampp and elve meltroeica. Mulered drti-layumsrite trst driack: 01 teve get the mp3s at …

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