Random Notes and Updates, and a Little Pop Culture

Martin Dittus · 2006-02-15 · commentary, pop culture, site updates, software, stuff · write a comment

I make a lot of little notes in text files that never develop into a full article and eventually get deleted. So to change that, and to maybe even increase the post frequency a bit, I'll start publishing smaller comments. Have no idea yet which way suits me best though; first approach: assemble several semi-connected commentaries to get to article length.

TextMate 2.0, which I guess won't be released within the next six months, will be a free update for registered users of TextMate 1.x -- a bold financial decision for the developer Allan Odgaard, but great for his users. I guess most of his users are twens and/or students, so it's a really friendly move. To give a vague point of reference: TextMate serial numbers are given out sequencially; I registered in late December 2005 and my serial number is around 4,500.

On a slightly different note, I was testing Measure Map on this site for a couple of weeks, but after the first acquisition announcements a couple of hours ago decided to quit. The main reason I initially chose Measure Map over Google Analytics was that I don't want to feed the data monster more than I need to; well that turned out great. (Hint for lazy readers: Google just bought Measure Map.) Javascript-based stats suck anyway, so no harm done.

...and I agree with Alex Payne: "Loveless" is an amazing album.

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