"I Like This!" musikCube plugin

Martin Dittus · 2005-02-20 · recommendation engines, site updates, software, web services · write a comment

"I Like This!" is a simple music recommendation plugin for the musikCube audio player. With this plugin musikCube users can recommend their favorite songs and net radio stations while they are playing in musikCube; all recommendations are then listed on this site.

I's an easy way to share your musical taste with others, and to give others new ideas on what kind of music there is.

It is also a proof-of-concept: an attempt to show how easy it is to develop a musikCube-plugin that uses xml-rpc to communicate with a remote computer. This opens up a whole space of new functionality: playlist sharing, all kinds of website integration, review and cover image searches, ... for some more ideas look at the list of public xml-rpc services at xmlrpc.com.

Get the plugin and the php-based xml-rpc server at http://dekstop.de/ilike/.

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