Mjuzak: "everybody turns"

Martin Dittus · 2006-06-27 · pop culture, stuff · 2 comments

I finally found a decent way to produce music on my PowerBook. That was the last thing missing after I switched. I haven't been producing tracks for ages -- it's been a frequent pastime for years, but I just couldn't persuade myself to work on Windows just for the music.


Anyway. This track is pretty representative of the stuff I did in the last 2-3 years, if a bit more focused. I still haven't learned how to properly use an equalizer (and probably never will -- I'm just not interested enough). Any professional audio engineer will blush when he sees me at work ;)

Short production info: I like to re-record semi-finished tracks with a microphone held against a loudspeaker, and then to add the recording back into the mix, which results in varying degrees of phasing, and additionally enriches the frequency spectrum. So if you thought you heard Flanger or Chorus effects it's kinda true, but not really.

The piano is from a soundtrack, the drum sounds from various sources; add some soft synths and lots of editing in the audio domain.

And yeah, I like noise. ;)

Update 2006-06-28 -- added the 1 Pixel Out Audio Player so you can play from the page (and from some aggregators, if you enable Flash). It's a well-rounded tool to quickly add a player to a page -- and in contrast to many others (e.g. the del.icio.us playtagger) it has a trackbar to skip around. Doesn't seem to support IDv3 tags though.

You can find lo-fi versions of some older tracks at dekstop.de/mp3/.


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find ich sehr schön. freut mich dass du wieder in der hinsicht aktiv bist. ich hoffe auf mehr und ich weine eine kleine träne nach ;)

ji-hun, 2006-06-30 12:22 CET (+0100) Link

geduld, geduld, das kommt auch noch ;)

Martin Dittus, 2006-06-30 12:27 CET (+0100) Link

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