Upcoming NNW 2.1 Beta 'Soon'

Martin Dittus · 2006-03-03 · software · write a comment

NetNewsWire's developer Brent Simmons has silently been busy during the last couple of months, and is now starting to talk about his progress. And my guess was right: the major new feature is NewsGator integration. Don't want to dismiss it though, it seems that among numerous bug fixes we can also expect significant speed improvements on some operations.

The main surprise to me, though, was this particular announcement:

P.S. It's a free upgrade. In fact, existing NetNewsWire users will get two years of free upgrades plus a free subscription to NewsGator.

Whow. Another OS X developer being crazy friendly with his users -- it's something in the water I tell you, next thing you know Apple will hand out MacBook Pros for free.

So what's Bradbury up to?

And as long as I'm talking about aggregator developers, I have to admit I'm more and more curious about what Nick Bradbury is doing -- he not only seems to be on the forefront on a lot of interesting developments these days, with FeedDemon arguably now being a generation ahead of NNW, and all the attention metadata discussions he's been leading; but he's also bookmarking interesting stuff.

I first found his del.icio.us account when I saw that he was one of two people bookmarking my "Revisiting Aggregators I" article (see bookmarks); and a couple of minutes ago I found that he also bookmarked Niall Kennedy's "Automatic favorites import using browser history" (see bookmarks), an exciting method of tracking user attention after the fact using only JavaScript, XMLHttpRequests and a couple of links.

Oblig. pop

Oh, and since about Tuesday I'm reading up on the wisdom of MC Hammer.

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